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Everything posted by Brendans78

  1. Brendans78

    video card thoughts

    just wondering what people are using for video cards now a days. the redaeon 8500 or the geforce 3? what are your thoughts?
  2. Brendans78

    video card thoughts

    hey guys thanks alot! i think i am going to pick up a geforce3. lots of help!
  3. Brendans78

    video card thoughts

    have you heard anything about the redaeons? i have been geforce all the way but the price differance is begining to matter.
  4. i had that problem also, did you get the windows updates? i did and started having a rebooting issue. then i uninstalled them individually, then reinstalled them individually and i havent had a problem yet.... so far i should say.
  5. Brendans78

    WinXP Security Tab Gone?

    its still there, im sure you figured it out by now but you have to go to folder options\View. its called simple file sharing. you have to disable it to get to the old securities tab.