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Everything posted by El_Mono

  1. El_Mono

    XP -> 98 network problems.

    Recently installed SP1 to an XP machine. (I am not completely sure that this was the onset of the problems, but I am trying to narrow it down). The computer is on a LAN with several other 98 computers. The 98 computers talk freely to each other. I can see the other computers from the XP computer, and even get into the list of shares on the computers. But when I try to access one of the shares, the XP computer locks up. It is similar when the 98 computers try to access the XP. I have removed the task manager check from XP registry, and tried the wmiprvse.exe service but no avail. Any help anyone can suggest would be greatly appreciated. LAN is behind Belkin router, DHCP is enabled. All computers are in the same workgroup. XP edition installed is XP Home (gasp). Other computers are a range of 98 and 98se computers.
  2. If anyone that can explain this to me and how to fix it, I'd be greatly appreciative. 2 computers, each are connected to a cable modem through a LinkSys 5 port switch. Cablemodem has DHCP server, which gives up to 3 internet ip's. Both computers are Win2k, and are using the DHCP generated IP. (I can't add another TCP/IP protocal like in win98 with an internal ip). Sending files from one computer to the other, sometimes goes fast (100mbit) but usually goes slow (40kbytes). I know what the problem is, and that is that the data is getting sent out of one computer on to the RR WAN (bottleneck the upstream cap on my modem), and back down. Is there any way to force the 2 Win2k systesm to utilize the LAN ? I've seen many heated discussions about not enabling NetBUI as I'd like to stay with TCP/IP. But my limited networking knowledge has caused me to sit here perplexed. Any info you network gods can pass my way would be greatly appreciated. You know its funny, as I type this transfering an assload of files, I was averaging 40kbytes. I hit submit, and it jumps up to 700kbytes. Still not the 100mbit it should be, but hella lot better. Why is it never consistent ? And back to 40k .. bleh
  3. I've tried this in the past, unfortunately with DHCP enabled, I can not assign an ip AND get the one from the cable co. I'm not using a router, just a switch, so I really can't assign an ip to that . Thanks for the quick response though .. I appreciate the effort.
  4. Not really a Win2k question, as much of an IE 5.5 question, but does anyone know a way to change the location of the default save when downloading a file through IE ? It's such a pain in the butt to have to navigate to my download directory each time. Thanks
  5. I saw in one of these forums a couple of months back a tweak that enabled you to open explorer, and have whatever drives you choose already "expanded". I scoured the forums but can't seem to find it again. I know it had to do with parameters used in the shortcut for explorer, but that is the extent of it Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  6. A little background ... Cable modem is connected to LinkSys switch. RoadRunner allocates 3 ip's to each cable modem which makes internet connection alot easier. (Don't have to mess with ICS). 3 Computers, 1 Win2k, and 2 Win98. To get the network working in the past I've installed the NetBUI protocal and everything "worked". If I FTP'd or ICQ'd a file from one computer to the other, the data was transfered out of the computer to the cable modem to the RoadRunner network and back, at a whopping 384kbit on a 100mbit lan. File/Print sharing were only limited by the computer hardware. I Looked through the forums here, and its a mixed batch of opinions, but it seems most don't like NetBUI. So I've decided to install a subnet to hopefully alleviate the file sharing problems. In win98 I can add another TCP/IP protocal and define what ever other functions I want. (1 tcp/ip is set up for DHCP, and 1 is forced for the 192.168.0.* on the subnet) .. no problems there. Win2k on the other hand is not playing nice. It won't let me add a 2nd protocal like win98. I bang my head against the wall for a litte bit, but then come across the "advanced" button in the tcp/ip properties. If I add the 192.168.0.* ip first, it will then allow me to add another ip. Unfortunately NOT a DHCP one though. If I add the DHCP one first, it doesn't let me add ANY other ip. 3 computers + 3 internet ips + 2 different operating systems + 1 network that doesn't play nice = a severe butt kicking. Any help anyone can give would be greatly appreciated.
  7. El_Mono

    Win2k -> Win98 networking, new question.

    Well I think I am going to go ahead and get a router (switch or hub) combo. I liked the "freedom" allocated with an ip on each box, but I see I won't ever be able to truly enjoy the network/internet combo unless they are NAT'd. I was looking on the Dlink site the other night, and they have one with a printer port on it, which would make things VERY nice. Thanks for all the help.
  8. El_Mono

    Win2k -> Win98 networking, new question.

    As far as "enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP", I have never had it unchecked. I have looked on various different computers, and its always greyed out (and checked). The computers are getting IP's via a dhcp server. I just installed one of those cable/DSL routers at my wife's work the other night. It was a belkin and totally alleviated ALL network problems they were having. Unfortunately my home network is a little different setup. I have one computer that I IRC/FTP (to and from)/Usenet/ICQ .. pretty much run the gambit of TCP/IP applications. The other 2 have ICQ on them, but don't necessarily need the unique ip adress. I'd like the one (my server, Win2k) to have unlimited access to the internet, but still be able to share files with the other computers (WinXP Pro, Win98Se). Is that within the realm of the cable/dsl routers ? And if it is, how much port forwarding and special rules would I have to setup ? I just installed NetBEUI on all the computers, and this WinXP still isn't seeing the others, yet the others are talking fine. I wish I could get this dang thing working BTW.. Thanks clutch for the reply
  9. El_Mono

    Win2k -> Win98 networking, new question.

    2 days, 16 views later not one reply ? Come on, there has to be one of you IT professionals out there that is willing to push a clue my way.
  10. While the aboe reply is very helpful, some of us don't like tinkering in the registry. Mike Lin has a perfect GUI that does it all for you, and has reversible changes. Try it. http://www.mlin.net/StartupCPL.shtml