How do you enable it?I know sounds dumb.Normally you would go to Device Manager and select the CDROM you want to adjust.Select Properties and then choose the Autoplay Tab.Well that Tab is unavailable on my system now for some reason.I have an Abit KT7-Raid,Pioneer DVD Rom Drive,TDK Velo CDRW on the Primary IDE Controller,2 30Gig HDs on the Raid Controller not in Raid setup though.Now If I Right CLick a CDRom Drive Auotplay is available on the menu but I cant auotplay a CD by inserting it into the drive.Not sure but I was using the Liveware 3.0 from some Euro Sight and it had that Creative disk manager program(Not sure of exact name but the one that allows you to associate programs with CDRoms)and had it disabled.Im wondering if when I disabled that program it screwed my Autoplay Settings up royally?I always hated that program.No freekin Choice in installing it and its just another stupid program to hog resources.Anyhow anyone have any ideas?