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Everything posted by midngnd

  1. Time Warner is my ISP. (Roadrunner)
  2. Mine is doing it as well still...and that's when the only thing I've got going is AOL IM. I know AOL IM isn't sending that much data, so I gave Time Warner a call. It's been going on a while since I called them, they told me about a month or so ago that they were doing something to their system to prevent viruses or some other b.s. But it still does it...and it gets annoying at night seeing the reflection of the activity light on the hub and modem on the wall.
  3. midngnd

    Asus A7M266 with new 1005 bios in Win2k?

    I had the same problem but in a bit of a different situation. I fried my MB/CPU and bought the A7M266 w/ 266fsb 1ghz. Threw that in my box running XP Pro build 2600 and upgraded to bios 1005. It worked just fine, then I decided that I wanted to format and go back to 2000 SP2. So after doing that...reinstalling 2000 gave me nothing but errors at different spots every single time I tried it. I ended up disabling the all of the cache and anything else I could think of that would be a problem and the I proceeded to install Windows 98. After it finally installed about 8 hours later, I decided to switch back to the 1004 bios....which I should have done in the first place, but I wasn't thinking. I'd like to get an XP processor, but with the issues I was having with 1005, I'm just going to wait. I'd love to know if there is a better solution, but I think I'm out of luck on that one.