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About SKI

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  1. SKI

    WinXP and Games Compatibility

    Ok so how did you get it to work under 2000? Ive tried all windows versions under the compatibility thing and none of them work!! HELP lol
  2. SKI

    Eurofighter Typhoon Problem!

    Sorry to keep bugging you with my problems but here goes!! Game installs fine etc...i run the game but it is kinda slow..Its not frame rate or anything like that, its just running slow! Its like i have a brake on when i dont...The plane takes long to accelerate and AGES to turn...Does anyone have any ideas? As i say its not graphics drivers as ive downloaded the latest! Its something else!! 1800 AMD Athlon XP 256 SDRAM 60GB HD NVIDIA GeForce2 MX-400 Graphics Card Please any help would be much appreciated, Cheers Ryan
  3. SKI

    Running F22 ADF on WinXP?? HOW??

    Of what hardware? my graphics card?
  4. SKI

    Running F22 ADF on WinXP?? HOW??

    Ok so tell me, where do i get all the latest drivers? Did u just install it and it worked? or did u download anything for it? where did you download from? cheers, ski
  5. SKI

    Running F22 ADF on WinXP?? HOW??

    Thanx for the help
  6. SKI

    WinXP and Games Compatibility

    Quote: And it does work. Well mate, didnt work for me!
  7. SKI

    Running F22 ADF on WinXP?? HOW??

    PLEASE PLEASE CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? I really want to play this on my new PC, PLEEEEZZZEEE!!!!
  8. Please help im trying to run F22 ADF on windowsxp and after about 10seconds of teh game loading i get an error and the game closes!! How can i get round this? Give me every possible solution you can! Cheers Ski