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Everything posted by RedMage

  1. I have read the instructions on how to get X-com GOLD EDITION working, however, I only got the "X-Com Classics", which include UFO Defense and TFTD. I have downloaded the QFixApp V1.5 for Win2k but I can only fix the "UF0 Defense.exe" file, not "UFO.exe", but I believe it shouldn't make a difference? I went to the "Fixes" tab and click on "ForceDdrawEmulation", then clicked on "ADVANCED" tab, but I don't see the "Create attributes file" as stated. The closest I can see was, "Create Fix Support", which I believe is incorrect. So instead I just ran the "UFO Defense.exe" of QfixApp. The intro ran fine, however the SoundFX wasn't playing just music, then I went to create a new game. I create a new base from the Geoscape which was fine. I was able to build, research, purchase and equip my base. UFO interception was fine, but the game jerked when it loads up the combat window. THEN the ultimate killer comes, I get the transport to the Crash Site, clicked "OK" to start mission - The game crashes out back into Win2k... BAH! Can someone PLEASE help me on this problem! Does this X-Com fix only works on the GOLD EDITION?! Cheers.
  2. RedMage

    Can't get "X-com: UFO defense" to work under Win2k

    REMINDER OF THE PROBLEM - X-COM crashes out when starting out Missions.
  3. RedMage

    Can't get "X-com: UFO defense" to work under Win2k

    Ahh, w00ps. :-) Yes, "X-COM Collector's Edition". My game ran fine, just no SoundFX in the intro only. Can I e-mail someone that manages this site about the problems I am facing? Cheers.
  4. RedMage

    Can't get "X-com: UFO defense" to work under Win2k

    Sorry, my game is called, "X-Come Collector's Edition". Cheers.