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About RoninCS

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  1. RoninCS

    Half-life error

    The exploit, as you call it, crashes servers, not clients. I still maintain my previous comments.
  2. RoninCS

    MSN Explorer

    Go to MS' Explorer website and take a look. Explicitly lists that it's only installable under WinXP. If you're using it under other OS', then you may want to check the licensing agreement.
  3. RoninCS

    Badass HD probbs!

    30+ GXP drives with no issues. Some I've had for..hrmm...almost 3 years now.
  4. RoninCS

    battle of the computers

    The last 2 are a Tbird 1.4GHz at 1.6GHz straight multiplier OCing with just a Thermaltake Orb on the cpu and Arctic Silver 2 paste. I'm considering throwing it into the Kryotech to see what I can do with it.
  5. RoninCS

    battle of the computers

    This doesn't include the 3 systems I've built since the new year. Any questions on the rack, feel free to ask.
  6. RoninCS

    Infinite Loop sound crash in Counter-Strike

    Sound loop is happening because you're freezing, so most likely nothing to do with your sound card at all. CS the only game you use openGL by chance? If so, you might want to try reinstalling the drivers, or trying a newer version (of course that would mean using beta drivers, but..). Let me know what you find.
  7. RoninCS

    Dual AthlonMP Troubles!

    <---Uses USB KB and had the same situation on my dual 1900MP setup. This is why I brought it to the table.
  8. RoninCS

    Dual AthlonMP Troubles!

    I would check the Voltage multiplier settings on your board to be sure they are default for your setup. Also, are you running a USB KB or a PS2 one? Some motherboards by default will not recognize a USB KB on boot, and that may cause your issue there. If it's a PS2, then perhaps trying a different KB. Asus is a rock solid mb manufacturer in my experience (I have several Asus boards here in the house), and I have no doubts they are correct in that the board is working properly.
  9. RoninCS

    Bad or good RAM

    Mushkin in all my systems, and not a bad chip in the bunch. They have also proven fairly stable in FSB OC situations, which is what I spend my time doing, as I test multiple platforms with multiple CPUs/RAM configurations.
  10. RoninCS

    Half Life

    Powerstrip allows you to adjust gamma on the fly. My suggestion for a resolution for you.
  11. RoninCS

    Half-life error

    Check your Vid drivers and your DX install. I play CS flawlessly on my machine, and never had such an error, so the problem is HW related somewhere.
  12. RoninCS

    60Hz Refresh Rate Fix

    Powerstrip does not require you to register it for it to work..you only have to deal with that popup screen if you don't register it. It's an excellent utility to modify a lot of things in regards to your Vid card, and a must have for me wheneve I install a new OS on a computer I plan on using for gaming.
  13. RoninCS

    MSN Explorer

    MSN Explorer..the one you speak of, I believe, was designed for XP only. Not designed for 2k, either. So you're attemtping to install an incompatible software based on OS.
  14. There are also known Creative DMA issues period, regardless of OS that can cause this same problem. I know Creative is aware of this and working on a resolution/workaround, but nothing solid.
  15. RoninCS

    Taskbar Icons Disappearing!!!

    There's an inactive icon setting for the taskbar. Right click on the taskbar, select properties and play around there. You'll find it there.