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Trying Out & Benchmarking The DigitalOcean Cloud

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At Phoronix we have posted a new article. A link to this from your

site's news section would be greatly appreciated.


Title: Trying Out & Benchmarking The DigitalOcean Cloud ( -at -) Phoronix

Direct Link: http://www.phoronix.com/vr.php?view=20060

Summary: "One of the more popular test requests recently at Phoronix.com

has been to deliver some reference benchmarks of DigitalOcean's public

cloud. DigitalOcean is an increasingly-popular, low-cost public cloud

that got started back in 2011. Due to being always inundated with new

Linux review and benchmark requests at Phoronix, it has taken a while to

get around to it, but at Phoronix today we're posting our first

reference benchmarks of the Linux-powered DigitalOcean cloud platform."


Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments you may


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