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Lexar Professional 600x SDXC UHS-1 Card (256GB) Review

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TITLE: Lexar Professional 600x SDXC UHS-1 Card (256GB) Review


LINK: http://thessdreview.us7.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=3d9b6193ffd32dd60e84fc74b&id=075cc641eb&e=312ec141fb


PHOTO: http://thessdreview.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3d9b6193ffd32dd60e84fc74b&id=00adbbc9c6&e=312ec141fb


INFO: For media professionals, or even that proud parent, often they will find that it will take a few shots before the image becomes ‘picture perfect’. Hence, why it is important to keep track of the number of images that are left to be taken on your current storage device (E.g., SD Card). No one wants to miss out on that perfect opportunity. We once heard a horror story where a wedding photographer ran out of room on their storage device during a wedding and did not notice. After a full night of celebrating, the photographer had to deliver the bad news to the recently married couple. The photographer felt so bad that they paid for a ‘repeat’ evening, and recreated the event one more time for the devastated couple. You can bet that they didn’t forget to bring spare SD cards the second time around, that is a mistake that will never happen again.





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