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Networking in DOS

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Anyone know how to get MSDOS Client 3.0 to work on fast computer...it keep crashing as processor speed problems... or is there any Dos network client out there that I can use to connect with Netbeui or tcp/ip protocol...


Thank you everyone...your help is appreciated.



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Yes there is. You can setup a "DOS Server" that will run on NetBEUI or TCP/IP. The program is called "WG1049.EXE" and it's on the MS FTP site. If I can dig up the link, I'll post it. You have to use the Microsoft client for WFW/DOS (it's on the NT CD, or you can get it at the MS website as well). This file updates the NET.EXE file to allow for serving files as well as connecting to other machines. Like I said, if I can find the link, I will post it. Otherwise, I'll just email it ya.






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has both of the client files. I can't find the link for WG1049 yet. You can just email me if you need it.









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Oopsy I think I didn't clarify what I need to do. I try to connect to a Windows 2000 Server from a workstation to get the installation files. The workstations is Pentium 3/733Mhz and up with no CDROM and using 3COM ISA networking card which doesn't support Win2K Remote installation using PXE. I have try MSClient 3.0 which will crash or get run time error because of the processor speed. MSClient won't run on any fast system. Is there any way to fix the MSClient problems or is there any other dos client that using Netbeui or TCP/IP ...


Thank you for all you guys help I appreciated any help. Thank you again



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Proc speed eh? I haven't heard of that one. I made a boot floopy from the msclient to get machines with Intel NICs up and running with either TCP/IP of NetBEUI. I used on a PIII 600 tho. Got it connected to a 486/133. I don't know why you would be getting errors, so I may try the floppy on my newly installed PIII 800.






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