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Coolermaster, Speedlink & TteSports Budget Headset Head-to-Head Review

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Coolermaster, Speedlink & TteSports Budget Headset Head-to-Head Review


If you're on the market for a new headset, chances are you've got

more than one option on your shopping list, you'll be looking for the

best return on investment and you'll want to find the headset that is

best suited to your needs. Today I'll be departing from our usual

headset review format and showing you three headsets, putting them

head-to-head and finding the strengths and weaknesses of each. At my

disposal I have the TteSports Cronos, the Speedlink Medua NX and the

CM Storm by Coolermaster Ceres 300. They're all quite varied in terms

of features, price and style, but they all have one thing in common,

they're all available for under £60.









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