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Dirty Harry

How do I shut down other PCs on LAN

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I run a network at home and would like to be able to shut down (power off) the other PCs from any other station. What is the easiest way ?


Apparently this should be possible through a vbs script, what should this look like / do I need to have some software running for it ?



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You could also use "shutdown.exe" from the NT Resource kit. That has been the easiest for me.






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Aye, shutdown.exe is an excellent little file and in my opinion whould have been included in Win2k.

Very handy little utility, nice graphical interface (if your not too hot on command lines)

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I run a network at home and would like to be able to shut down (power off) the other PCs from any other station. What is the easiest way ?



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I run a network at home and would like to be able to shut down (power off) the other PCs from any other station. What is the easiest way ?



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I run a network at home and would like to be able to shut down (power off) the other PCs from any other station. What is the easiest way ?



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shutdown.exe comes with XP. The command (briefly) is:


shutdown /s (or /r for restart) /m \\<computername> /t <time in s 0 - 600> (default is 30)


You can make a quick batch file for other PC's and I'm pretty certain you can just copy this file to your other PC's if not running XP.

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