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Intel Pentium G3258 Dual Core Processor Gaming Performance @ Legit Reviews

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Earlier this week Nate & I were able to get our hands on the Intel Pentium G3258 20th Anniversary Edition Processor to take for a ride. While he was doing this, he focused most of his time on the X86 performance of the 3.2GHz Dual Core processor. He did touch a little bit on the graphics performance of the Intel HD graphics on the G3258 as well as pairing the processor with an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780 TI for a run through of Metro Last Light. I wanted to take the $72.99 dual core Intel Pentium G3258 processor for a spin and focus on gaming performance with a solid discrete graphics card and see how it would stack up against the same system with an Intel Core i7-4770K processor which retails for considerably more...



Article Title: Intel Pentium G3258 Dual Core Processor Gaming Performance ( -at -) Legit Reviews

Article URL: http://www.legitreviews.com/intel-pentium-g3258-dual-core-processor-gaming-performance_145873




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