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Version on desktop

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I have just installed Windows 2000

How do I remove the "Windows 2000 Professional Build 2195" from my desktop

I know this is in the registry somewhere but I cant find it


If anyone knows please email me at ericmarques@email.com

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If you find the answer, please post it here too... I enabled it using TweakUI just to see what it would look like, and now it won't go off. Anyone??

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I think you need to reboot to remove it. So check it off in TweakUI then reboot and it should be gone.

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unchecking the box in tweakUI isn't enought to get rid of the version number on the desktop. The problem lies in the fact that if the KEY is there, no matter what it is, a 0 or a 1, it will still paint the version on the desktop. the solution is to DELETE the key from the registry.. and since I've already experienced this myself, I know first hand. BUT since the key has been removed from my registry, I can't look up what it is!




anyways.. look under


HKEY_CurrentUser(or localmachine)/control panel/desktop/


in that folder you'll find something to the words of "PaintDesktopVersion" or "PaintVersionDesktop" or Paintversionondesktop or paintversionnumber or paint.. bah.. you get the idea..


if it's not in that folder do a brute force search for "paintversion" that should result in the key. anyways, happy hunting.


Remember, Delete the key, even if it's turned off (0), it'll still put the version number on the desktop.

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Chameleon used to have a special setupreg.hiv file somewhere at his site which during installation, among other things, bypasses the version thing on the desktop.

I have copied all the I386 folder on one of my harddisks for fast repairs or reinstalls in case of problem. I have replaced the original file with the one from Chameleon.


Try at your own risk, blah blah...

It works for me.

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Thanks mr_yellow.... your reply was not quite correct, but it pointed me in the right direction.


The Reg key in question is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\ the value is the PaintDesktopVersion. I checked it on a machine without tweakui and PaintDesktopVersion was a REG_DWORD value 0. On the machine stuck with it on, it was a REG_SZ (string) value '0'. A string '0' is far different from a DWORD 0. That is why it was set on. To fix it, delete it so that it goes back to the default (off). If you want, as I did, you can recreate the value as a DWORD 0, which is what it should be.


This is obviously a bug with TweakUI... apparantly when you check the 'show version on desktop', it changes it to a string rather than a dword. Anyone have contact info so we can tell them about this?

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I got Tweak UI for Windows 98 and it done the trick

I came accross that key PaintDesktopVersion but it was set to 0 so I ignored it thinking it was the wrong key.

Anyway everything works now.

Thanks everybody



Eric Marques

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