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Scandisk countdown

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Hi guys!

Does anybody knows how to set to zero second the ten second countdown of scandisk after a dirty reboot?

I have seven partitions in my box. It's very boring when W2K decides to scan all of them, waiting for 10 seconds for each disk before starting its job - 70 seconds in total!

I did not find any related *.ini file or registry entry for that. Windows help has no clue.

Any idea?

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Anybody out there???

I push this post up the list because I really need to know the trick.

I have quite a lot of hard lockups when playing Q3A and have to reboot the dirty way.

I'm really p****d off with this 10 sec delay.

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I've no clue, but I'll keep my eye out for something...


I wouldn't normally post a non-answer, but I thought you'd like to know that at least one other person is reading these...




SuperMicro P6DBS (dual UW-SCSI) BIOS 2.2, 2*Celery 300a @ 450Mhz, 384MB PC100 RAM

SCSI-A=4.3Gb+9Gb, SCSI-B=Tosh32x CD-ROM, Yamaha4416 CD-RW, Iomega ZIP100, IDE1=4.3Gb

IBM EtherJet 10/100 NIC PCI + Nortel ADSL "modem"

Matrox G400 DH 32Mb AGP + Quantum3D Voodoo2 SLI PCI (CL TNT1 AGP on a shelf)

SoundBlaster Live PCI (not Value)

Win2K build 2195 Retail (not 120-day eval)

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i'm reading it too, i also hate the 10sec delay, watching four partitions countdown to scan is he11! I'm sure its somewhere in the registry....everything is in the registry for god's sake.

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I suspect that the value is hard-coded. I searched the registry for the data value "10", and turned up nothing of note...

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Now i didn't test this, but if you start a command prompt ( under program->assoccories )


and execute: chkntfs /?


can you see a option /T: which is said to change the auto countdown value


chkntfs /T returns current setting

chkntfs /T:1 sets it to 1 second





[This message has been edited by Claus Hansen Ries (edited 28 April 2000).]

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Claus Hansen Ries,

Du bist der Man!

It works!

I did try chkdsk.exe and autochk.exe but did not try chkntfs.exe because all my partitions are Fat32.

Now I can dirty-reboot without boring with this delay. Thx!

You know? I'm happy smilesmilesmilesmile

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