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Shut down problems!!!

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Please help me guys. Each time I shut down or restart my system, it takes about 5 minutes to fully reboot or shutdown! I could however use the power off button on my PC, but each time I do that scandisk is scaning my files on the next boot, thinking I had an illigal shut down. I'm sick of this microsoft ****. I want to blow them fukkkers up! Sorry... loosing my nerves here!

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Oh, I'm sorry, I should add that the problem happens while still in windows... e.g., I wait for the 'saving your files' dialog for 3 minutes and then for 'shuting down your system' for another 3 minutes. Please help me guys.

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Well, this is what I do to figure out the reason for eternal shutdowns. Go to task manager (ctrl+alt+del popup-> task manager) and look at what you have running. I usually shut one thing down and then try to reboot. If it still takes forever, then I shut down something else, and so on until I find the culprit. I have found that most Symantec products (namely WinFax Pro) cause my shutdown/reboot hangups. Good Luck.






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