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IRQ sharing

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Quite new to win2k so if its a stupid question plz dont kick me laugh


But uhm the problem: regular lockups and spontanious reboots..After some checking i found this about my irq settings..Now I dont know if its okay to use one IRQ so much but here goes:


System Information report written at: 05/31/2000 12:15:47 PM



IRQ Number Device

9 Microsoft ACPI-Compliant System

9 3dfx Interactive, Inc. Voodoo Series Driver

9 VIA USB Universal Host Controller

9 VIA USB Universal Host Controller

9 Creative SB Live! Value (WDM)

9 3Com EtherLink XL PCI TPO NIC (3C900-TPO) #2

8 System CMOS/real time clock

13 Numeric data processor

12 Microsoft PS/2 Mouse

1 PC/AT Enhanced PS/2 Keyboard (101/102-Key)

6 Standard floppy disk controller

4 Communications Port (COM1)

3 Communications Port (COM2)

14 Primary IDE Channel

15 Secondary IDE Channel


Thats 6 entries on IRQ 9...is this ok and should i leave it like that or should i manually adjust this?


win2k pro retail

Athlon 650

K7M (1008)

the rest you can guess from the IRQ list laugh


/btw the USB ports are not in use..




[This message has been edited by Kav (edited 31 May 2000).]

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Hmmmm i would suggest that you should move some of your devices to the free irq's 2, 5, 7, 10 & 11

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If acpi is enabled, don't bother with all these shared irqs.

It is not a bug, it is a feature. Most people have the same irq 9 multi-setup and it seems normal in Win2k.

Acpi does distribute the right irqs in the background so that there is no conflict.

You better search elsewhere for the lockups.

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search the message board and you will find bios and update information to fix this problem. While I do not have your motherboard, I believe that I have read that this IRQ9 issue is one of the known causes of lockups on your system.


Seriously, though, the lockups and reboots seem to be a problem with all of the W2K systems I see people complaining about. The majority seem to be Geforce/TNT etc. users, but the only thing I can see in common between all of the systems discussed herein is the presence of ACPI...


The problem seems to be more pronounced with video drivers that significantly hit AGP 2x+.


Worse yet, I have installed SP1 for W2K and the problem has not gone away. ONly going to very old video drivers (CLv3.79) have I reduced, but not eliminated, these spontaneous crashes.



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From what I've read, all pci devices sharing irq 9 is a feature of ACPI (according to the motherboard manual irq 9 is reserved for acpi).

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It's funny but I have pretty much the same config as Kav here. On my system, I've had no problems at all with conflicts.


I use a K7V (ACPI enabled) and it works pretty smoothly, despite the IRQ sharing. I have a feeling that the ACPI under Win2k has been designed for IRQ sharing. Remember that we are dealing with a network/server-ready OS here!


The ACPI has to be flexible and stable to accomodate the kind of uses Network administrators are going to make of these machines.


[This message has been edited by Dhouse (edited 05 June 2000).]


[This message has been edited by Dhouse (edited 05 June 2000).]

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