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Disc Cache - How do I control it, like in Win9x (vcache sett

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I want to limit, to about 8-16MB, the disc cache size in Win2K. In Win9x the system.ini section...






would do this, How can I control this in Win2K? The reason is that windows seems to be inceradibly stupid in the way it handles the cache, not clearing the cache to make room for apps, and forcing them to swap to disc...

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in system.ini add


after the 386 line

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Well thanks for the try, but that setting seems to have no effect. The situation is that when I am downloading in Agent (newsgroup reader) windows seems to try an cache all its disk activity, using all free ram, swapping out applications to disk, and then releasing it them when needed, only to swap it right back out. As ou can guess this kills system performance, now on my desktop with 256MB its not a big issue but on the laptop with only 128MB the system just crawls. But with Win9x I could use the previously mentioned [vcache] settings and all was fine. I have tried all of the registry tweaks from sites like www.tweak3d.net, etc... none seem to help...


Does anyone know how to limit the disc cache in Windows 2000?

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this is NOT a cache tweaking; it says to win to use the more the RAM



what are you talking about??

it looks interresting smile

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