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NT Frezzing on shutdown

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Hello I hope someone can help here. Im running NT 4.0 sevice pack 6a, and Netscape

4.7. For some reason with in the last 2 weeks when I shut my system down at night it hangs. I then have to manually shut it down.


This only seems to happen when I use the web.


If im not on the internet that day and I shut down I have no problems, but if im on the net during the day and I shut down the systeem, it hangs.


The only new things I have added to my system are an iomega zip,and a scanner. There not even on when this occures.


Any help would be appreciated





PS: Can shutting it down manually when the system hangs cause damage to my system.

hanges cause any future problems

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I just noticed last night that when my computer hangs the Netscape icon highlights

and stayes that way. It's the only icon that stays highlighted on my screen.

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