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Win2000 Tweaks?

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Hey, just got Win2000, and just curious to see what people favorite tips are. I play mostly games, and use a Radeon. So if there are any speed tweaks, for the system in general, or for my Radeon send them this way!


I already got DX8, and Win2000 drivers. I also found out there is no 'msconfig', so I went into my reg and took out what I didnt want to start. Enabled DMA on my disk drives.


One more thing. I use Powerstrip, and curious as to why I cannot over clock my engine clock, but I can my memory clock for my video card. Whats up with that? I have the latest Powerstrip, and when I boot into ME, I can adjust either.


Lemme know! smile

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I forgot how to get into my reg and edit what I want to start, and I cant find the link where I got it from... someone refresh my memory!


[This message has been edited by Emilee1 (edited 17 November 2000).]

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Emilee smile


A very easy tip:


In display properities uncheck use

transition affects and tool tips.


Then with a registry editor (try reglite)

go to and click on:


HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop|MenuShowDelay


and change the value from 400 to 0


click ok and exit should notice an

improvement in menu speed.



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Try disabling all the performance counters, it helps a lot...

Turn Diskpref Off:


By default, Win2k is set to collect physical drive data.

As home users we don't need this.


To disable the disk performance counters:



Command Prompt

diskperf -n

Also use the miscrosoft file exctrlst run it and shut down all performance counters....I have included the file for you...


If you ever want to return to default:

diskperf -yd


the file exctrlst.exe can be found here...


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