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Icons not arranged in correct order

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My desktop icons can't arrange themselves accordingly by name. After the IE shortcut, comes 3dmark, Acrobat reader, fifa 2001 and then quake 3 arena. In the second column (i only have two columns filled), comes quake 3 team arena, then ADOBE PHOTOSHOP, and the rest in order. What's happening here? Is there some way to fix this?

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The reason for your icons arranged weird is that some programs install under the all users account and some under your specifc account. Whenever you arrange the icons by name it arranges the all user account first then your acccount second. If you want to see which are installed where then go to the taskbar and start menu settings and click start menu programs and then advanced. You account should pull up and you then double click on the programs icons. This is your list of programs. You wil see that on the left that there is also an all user or default or something like that. Click on that and you will notice that some programs are there while other are under you account but they all show up in the start menu.

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