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Virtual Memory problems

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i ran into some problems with virtual memory

i reduced it cuz i been told that Rune editor suppose to run better ....lol

i reduced it from 93-130 to 20-90

it worked like crap...so i changed it back.

but no improvements...programs load so slow i can go make tea or something




10GB and 20GB HD's, 20gig one cut into 3.

biggest partition is 10 gig and is for win2k

win2k + sp1

athlon 700 + abit mobo, via chip

128 of 133 ram

geforce ddr


couple of nics


worked fine before but something made me change those fregen settings ;[

i dont feel like reinstalling, i have too much to backup

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Your swap file is probably fragmented. If you don't have a third-party defragmenter that will defragment the swapfile (Windows 2000 defragmenter won't) then set your swapfile down extremely small. Defragment your hard drive, then reset the swapfile.

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With 128 MB ram, you should set your page file to min AND max of 192MB or 200 if it makes you feel any better smile


Get a trial version of diskeeper and let it do a pagefile defrag after you set it, this may help

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k i just defragged

i had maybe 3/8 out of 10 gigs fragged


although some things could not be defragged

i just have to reboot ;]

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thanks jaywallen i really appreciate it

thanks for all the posts ;]

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hmmmm i defraged hole HD with O&O but when i reboot, check disk runs and tries to defrag the pagefile since it has 9 fragments

but then it says: Nothing to do and starts windows without even touching the pagefile

i tried that other prog too but i guess it O&O overwrites the registry with its own....

hmmm is the pagefile suppose to be 9 frags ?

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never mind that last post lol

i m gay cuz i didnt specify WHAT to defrag in the advanced options thats why it didnt do nothing heheheheeh


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