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Is there a 'su'-like command in Win2K?

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Quick scenario:


My whole family has logins on my machine, but my brother is the only who ever uses it. Now, he was logged in, surfing the web or something. I wanted to show him a video, or a picture or something, but he doesn't have permissions to get to my stuff.


It would suck to log-off the 'Net, log me in, change permissions, log him back in, log back onto the 'Net, just to show him a video. In *nix, there is the 'su' command [switch user], which will allow you to gain the permissions of another system user, which would have solved my problem.


Is there such a command in Windows?


Thanks in advance,


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Highlight an executable. Hold Down Shift. Right-click on executable. Choose Run As.

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Highlight an executable. Hold Down Shift. Right-click on executable. Choose Run As.

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Down8, this doesn't give an answer to your question, it's only a tip if you don't know it already. If you are using a dialup device, you can logon a different user and not have to disconnect your net connection. To do this open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, right click and select New -> String Value. Name it 'KeepRasConnections' (minus the ' '), hit enter and give it the value 1.

reboot for it to take effect. Hope this helps out smile

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can't u just use the "Run as..." to launch whatever player u use with your l/p, browse into your folder(when u use RunAs, the program will have the permissions from our acct.), and open the file?

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Ekstreme:
Down8, this doesn't give an answer to your question, it's only a tip if you don't know it already. If you are using a dialup device, you can logon a different user and not have to disconnect your net connection. To do this open regedit and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, right click and select New -> String Value. Name it 'KeepRasConnections' (minus the ' '), hit enter and give it the value 1.
reboot for it to take effect. Hope this helps out smile

yeah yeah yeah, but wouldn't logging off close the program that uses the connection?

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Thanks for the help - I had heard of the 'Run as...' command before, but didn't know how to get there. wink


As for the dial-up connection, I'll give that a try, but as stated, logging-off will probably close the little program that keeps me on - gotta love free I'net service. laugh


Thanks all,


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