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NT4 -> Win2k move painful

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I am pretty experienced with both NT4 & Win2K but I have a problem I don't know how to handle.

The situation is moving a user from NT4 to Win2K. I did NOT want to run an upgrade, because the machine was unstable enough that it seemed like it would be better to do a fresh install and just move data over. So... what we did was REMOVE the original NT4 hard drive, do a fresh install to a second hard drive. So far all goes VERY well, clean, no glitches.

Ok then we install the old hard drive as the slave on the IDE chain and things go south quickly. The machine reboots, recognizes the second hard drive and says it needs to reboot. On Reboot, we have the OLD NT4 hard drive assigned to DRIVE C confused and many things are now mapped in a screwed up way. All I wanted to do was grab some files off the old hard drive so I copied them to the new hard drive and removed the old drive but when I rebooted things were even weirder. When I booted it said the swap file was not there and I should fix it, but each time I CTRL-ALT-DEL'd in to do it, it just returned me to the login prompt and told me the same message (loop).

I finally ended up doing a repair install that got me going again, but this seemed like a painful experience I would like to avoid in the future. Any enlightenment would be greatly appreciated.

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Was the second drive slave on IDE0 or IDE1? Was the second drive ever assigned the letter "C" when it was running NT on that box?






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The second drive was set to the slave on the first IDE chain. It was originally set to the C: drive while running NT4.0

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