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install program hidden for all users??

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I have a Dynamic IP program that connects to a server and lets me have a static host name that changes IP with my copmuter each time i log on.


I have a few users on this machine. and I want the program that runs to run for all users..but i dont' want them to be able to shut the program down or edit it.


Is this possible?


I know there is such a thing as "install as service" will that do it?




Ancker Jade

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I know there is a registry setting for running things:

HKEY_LocalMachine\software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run where you could add an entry.

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if you can install it as a service do it then make sure that only the admin account can start or stop services. thats in "local security policies" ro you can create profiles for each user on the machine and deny access for them to that program group. hope that helps



I cant help it I have Attention Deficit...hey whats that over there?

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