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Anybody angry about SP7 for NT 4.0

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Anybody angry about SP7 for NT 4.0 and the fact that Microsoft cancelled it?

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Well, I am a bit bummed about it. But NT4 runs really well in SP6a trim, so I am not going to be too concerned. I am worried about this long delay with Win2K SP2. I am starting to get the impression that this may be the last SP they do for Win2K since XP will be out relatively soon.

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Who gives a **** about Service Pack 7 for NT? NT is well and truly dead, I don't blame Microsoft for abandoning it. It was a pile of pants anyways.



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I saw recently a list of bugs for 2Ks SP3.. I'm like... wtf!? wheres SP2!! It is most odd.


I agree with clutch over NT4 and SP6a. I use that at work, and I've not had a problem with it yet.


I don't really have any issues with 2K atm either, though there are a few fixes in SP2 that would be nice.



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I got really upset when I first found out about it. The main reason for this is that we have had some serious problems a while ago. The DomainControllers with SP6a would not drop the connections after users had logged in resulting in that after some time they would not respond at all and no one could log on. Some departments could work(logged in with cached info), but for others which have "flexible" offices they could not log on at all. The solution? Hotfix Pre SP7.


This Hotfix was not easy to find and MS support (in Sweden) was totally clueless about the problem. If they had released SP7 this fix would be included (and many more), lets just hope that MS put up a real *good* site with detailed info on the hotfixes then it might be ok.


However, if I need to install a new server in say 6months, I first have to install NT, SP6a and then spend alot of time looking for hotfixes that might be required for this server. I don't like it. If the SP would keep coming on a regullar basis I would'nt have to check the hotfixes, just install the latest SP and be set. A waste of time this is, searching/applying Hotfixes.


And to say like MS that this is what the customers wants I take as a lie.


RussellWild, are you that clueless ?!

Even though most of our servers running Win2k now, there's many servers running applications that only will work on NT4. All is not about DirectX and games you know....



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Well, Microsoft has stated they are working on an easy approach to installing the needed hotfixes that have been released since SP6a. They are correct about there not being many. And those that are out there really don't warrant another SP.


Also, the SP3 bug list doesn't bother me. They were working on SP1 before Windows 2000 was even released to the public. Right now, SP2 is in Beta. So there won't be anything added to it other than correctly bug fixes that are already incorporated into it.

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