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HGST Ultrastar He8 HDD RAID Review (8x8TB) - 64TB Analysis on the Adaptec 8805 RAID Adapter

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TITLE: HGST Ultrastar He8 HDD RAID Review (8x8TB) - 64TB Analysis on the Adaptec 8805 RAID Adapter


LINK: http://thessdreview.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3d9b6193ffd32dd60e84fc74b&id=fc46396447&e=312ec141fb


PHOTO: http://thessdreview.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=3d9b6193ffd32dd60e84fc74b&id=a2a798ac3d&e=312ec141fb




Big data is BIG. We create billions of gigabytes of data on a daily basis, from uploading a photo to Facebook or emailing a new project document, all this data is stored in data centers across the globe. Big data is usually divided between high performance and storage. While SSDs are much faster and help greatly to accelerate the analytics side of big data, but they don’t offer the capacity value of HDDs quite yet. Thus, a storage tier of high density and high performance HDDs has been the medium of choice for mass storage solutions and is in high demand. Actually as of late, enterprise HDD sales have been thriving while consumer sales have been taking a hit.


Okay, so now that that has been said, what is all this talk about big data and HDDs? Doesn’t The SSD Review just test SSDs? Those are good questions. Our answer to them is simple. We were given the opportunity and we couldn’t resist. If someone offered to a test drive in their new Lamborghini, would you say no? We didn’t think so! So, today we will be reviewing the HGST Ultrastar He8 (http://thessdreview.us7.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=3d9b6193ffd32dd60e84fc74b&id=b11182ee35&e=312ec141fb) , but we won’t be testing just one drive. Today we will be testing eight of them in multiple RAID configurations as well! That is right, 64TB worth of the latest and greatest enterprise storage! Go big or go home right?




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