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Intel 6th Generation Core i7 6700K Review @ OCC

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OCC has published a review on the *Intel 6th Generation Core i7 6700K*


Here is a quote from the review:


"Rated at 4.0 GHz right out of the box with a 4.2GHz Turbo Boost clock

speed, the Core i7 6700K is quick to start with. Enhancing that number is

fairly easy and pays performance dividends if you choose to do so. I was

able to get a stable 4.76GHz out of this processor without any real fuss.

Overclocking the 6700K is easier now when you have the full bclock range to

play with rather than being tied to specific gear ratios, like we have been

in the past. My final overclock of 4.76GHz was run using the same

overclocking principles that I have used for the last few years, but found

that having the full spectrum back offers up some interesting

possibilities, much like we had in the past."


Title: Intel 6th Generation Core i7 6700K Review







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