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Silverstone Raven RVZ02 Review: The new best Mini-ITX case for gaming rigs

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** Silverstone Raven RVZ02 Review




** The new best Mini-ITX case for gaming rigs




** http://www.techspot.com/review/1062-silverstone-raven-rvz02/



With some 16 months having passed since our first look at the RVZ01, Silverstone has returned with another compact gaming chassis. Predictably named the Raven RVZ02, this new model is 15% smaller than the original while still promising to support graphics cards up to 13" long. Silverstone believes that the RVZ02 is one of the easiest compact Mini-ITX cases to build a gaming system in and we'll be putting together multiple hardware configurations to test this claim.


Thank you.


Julio Franco

Executive Editor | TECHSPOT

( -at -) juliofranco





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