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Whistler runs choppy

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Hi all, I have Whistler Beta 1 , and on the desktop is it runs extremly choppy, when i move my mousepointer over the login screen it goes very chopppy, when i open the startmenu it goes very choppy. And that sucks because i have a fast systemk, can somebody help me out here ?

Thanx in advance



PIII 700@882

Asus P3vX

512mb 133mhz ECC RAM

Maxtor DiamondMAx 30,6gb,40,7gb,ATA 100 7200rpm

Hercules Geforce2 GTS 64mb

Creative Soundblaster live

17" Compaq monitor

Microsoft intellieye explorer USB

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Well that's the thing i did. When you see the login screen for instance, you see the users accounts, when i move my mousepointer over it it goes extremly choppy. ?

Any ideas ?

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well...2296 is like months old, most of your problems have already been addressed in 2419. Install Beta 2, you'll most likely see results. Don't bother turning off any apperance features, the themes do not really make up the loss of RAM, it's the memory hole being addressed that is doing it. 512 MB of RAM, you should have it all on, lol


[This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 30 January 2001).]

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how many times do i have to tell you people, Whistler is BETA...ok? BETA!!!!!! Don't expect it to run like the Gold version.!

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i KNOW Eddie,


The thing is that i got it runnning perfect on a P200mmx with 32 mb ram !!!!

That's why i thought i could do better

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i KNOW Eddie,


The thing is that i got it runnning perfect on a P200mmx with 32 mb ram !!!!

That's why i thought i could do better

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I have the same problem on all of my machines at home when using USB mice under Whistler. The fix is to not use USB. The USB code seems a bit immature. It works but even the web cam and flash card reader operates a bit funky. Under Windows 2K I did not have ANY problems with USB. When a USB to PS/2 converter is used, I can roll over the graphics and slow web pages all I want without any slow down. You might also wanna try turning off animation on windows and shadows behind windows. The menu fade doesn't seem to have an effect on anything.


Im using 2 Logitech MouseMan+ USB's and the same model in the blue plastic optical version. The machines are 1ghz 382MB, 750MHz 382MB (both athlon thunderbirds), 333mhz 382MB (celeron server). They are all Geforce equipped. I tried a Geforce 2 Pro and that couldnt smooth out the choppiness.


Hope this helps.



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