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Whistler on games !

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Can anyone tell me if Whistler is going to be like W2k, in 10 games only 2 can play on W2k ?

And the beta versions of Whistler, can play games ?

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<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by Killer_Wolf:
...Can anyone tell me if Whistler is going to be like W2k, in 10 games only 2 can play on W2k? And the beta versions of Whistler, can play games?</font>

Where did you get your "2-in-10 games run with Win2K" information? Personal experience? Are the games you play that whacked?

Win2K plays an enormous number of games, doing particularly well with newer releases; but you'd be surprised how many older games work straight out of the box or with minor tinkering. Check out DosFreak's list here in ntcompatible. And didn't MS just release about the THIRD compatibility update, mostly games patches?

There's a huge difference between what's factual and what is just, "the party line." laugh

"Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999
"Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001

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Conga Line...or is that, "Command Line?" laugh



"Being married to a programmer is like owning a cat. You talk to it but you're never really sure it hears you, much less comprehends what you say." -DeadCats, 1999

"Talking to DeadCats is like talking to a dead cat." -MrsDeadCats, 2001

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I could play the games i like tribes, half-life, homeworld, UT, and Q3 fine on earlier versions but now as the OS is progressing toward a different version of WIn2k not just a fixed one games are starting to not work as well. So i would say go with Win2k if you have over 192mb of RAM otherwise you can still try 2k or go the 9x route. Whistler is nice to fool around in but it is far from being a total primary OS now.

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It really depends on what games you usually play and what hardware you have. Many old 3d-games will never run on win2k, and old 3d-hardware never might have gotten real DirectX 7/8 drivers.


Tough issue, I think i see lots of people dualbooting win9x and whistler in the future, in hope for a better (both stability and good looking smile windows.


New games will run excellent though, as they are mostly these days developed on win2k systems!

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Yeah, it seems right now that games have a tough time working on Whistler, and they take up a LOT of memory. Right now, that is.


Whistler is still beta. IIRC, Beta2 for Win2k beat the living hell out of Beta1, so I expect the next beta will be a huge improvement for Whistler. Only when the Release Candidates start coming out will you be able to make final judgements as to whether or not MS can deliver on their 98 compatilbility promise.

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On my system Windows ME still beats both Win2k and Whistler by about 7 fps in Quake 3. I use Win ME for all my gamming needs. Although whistler will run all the games that i have and it seems to run them smoother than win2k (althought the framerates are almost exactly the same.) I can't wait until Wistler comes out then i will build myself that dual processor comuter that i have allways wanted and leave all this triple booting and win 9.x **** behind.



My System

Dell Demension XPS T500

Triple Boot

Windows 2000 Pro 2195

Windows Whistler Pro 2296

Windows Millennium Final Retail

PIII @ 500 Mhz (with after market heatsink and dual fan)

512 Megs Ram

Guillemot Maxi Gammer Cougar (TNT2 M64 w/ 32 Megs of RAM)

Matrox Millennium PCI (w/ 4 Megs of RAM for second monitor)

3Com Etherlink XL 10/100 Ethernet Card

Abit Hot Rod Pro ATA-100 RAID Controler

2 x 12.6 Gig Maxtor Hard Disks RAID 0 (for system)

1 76.3 Gig Maxtor Hard Disk (for storage)

40X LG CD Rom Drive

100 Mb Iomega Internal Zip Drive

MS Explorer Mouse

MS Natural Keyboard Pro

And not a single peice of software that I actually own

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