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What would happen if....

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Ok...so after the debacle of installing

w2k and then whistler...I installed winme.

It installed into C:\windows.000,

with whistler being in c:\windows. If I

deleted C:\windows and renamed C:\windows.000

to c:\windows...would it work in getting

****ing whistler off my system ???

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rofl, this guy is just one of the many that are gonna be flooding this forum come the day of the retail release of Whistler. What's NT? blah blah, haha, it's gonna be a riot


[This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 14 January 2001).]

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The above is the perfect example of what Im refering to in the "whistler beta2 coming tonight thread"

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Please please please just reformat your system and install ME. Please.


If you want to do a dual-boot then install ME and then install Whistler/Windows 2000.

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Well golly & gee whiz. One straight answer

and three anally retentive ones...perhaps

they should rename this board. To thc..thanks

to the rest of you...go phuck yourselves.


[This message has been edited by rickkinz (edited 14 January 2001).]

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but it would fu*k your system.....seriously. just do a dual boot with winme and 2k. don't worry about whistler right now, you're still young, have fun, these are the best years of your life, yada yada yada..........

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lamers all over this board now, christ, isn't there a button to block these kinds of people

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I agree. I would guess that you would

be the resident expert on lamerism. Probably

comes from all them years of firsthand



<font face="Verdana, Arial" size="2">Originally posted by jdulmage:

lamers all over this board </font>

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Hey jdulmage - cut out the elitist rhetoric. If you review many of the posts, these types of threads are caused by folks insulting newbies who understandably retaliate. People are free to their opinions, as wrong as they may be, even if they don't agree with yours. You, and others, are then free to ignore them if they are not acceptable to you.







92% of the things we worry about don't happen - but the other 8% DO!


PIII 650@850

BE6-II Mobo with 320 mb ram

20 gig Quantum KX 8 gig Quantum CR

SBlive Value

All In Wonder Radeon 32MB

... and a bunch of USB Stuff

Windows 2000 Pro Retail

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I agree with Shrink... what's your problem?


I know you know your stuff jdulmage, I saw that a few months ago when you were taking some serious heat, but none the less you still helped people. What happened? Now you're an elitist prick, it's not a good image for you (doesn't match your eyes).


Treat others how you would like to be treated... it's true ya know.


He asks a question and even if slightly uneducated, it's a completely fair question. Your imidiate response: sarcasm, followed by more sarcasm, stacking higher and deeper. What do you expect to get in return? People are allowed to ask questions! That's kind of the point of this board, is it not?


Are your eyes brown, or are you just full of sh!t?


Calm down, play nice, you're not better than the rest of us jdulmage, despite what you may think. ;(



brainsoft, Xi Base & JJR512.com Co-Administrator.

XiBase/JJR512 Activelist: 83320323


"I don't know how I got here, I was only looking for the washroom."

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rickkinz, I've tried that before, it doesn't work, it'll just make a big mess. So many files are pointing to WinME at windows.000 and if you renamed it, all those files would still be pointing the windows.000. Everything then commences to fall apart because nothing can find what it's looking for, it's all bad. Avoid that road.


It's sometimes rewarding to rough it out when faced with a challange... this is not one of those times. Format and reinstall, it'll save your self a huge head-ache.


Actually, if you have some time to waste you should see for yourself what happens, so you know from personal experience, not just from what you heard a few know-it-alls say about it. You'll learn a lot more by experiencing something first hand then by hearing stories. "Trust me..." is a line that should be avoided...


Trust me... wink



brainsoft, Xi Base & JJR512.com Co-Administrator.

XiBase/JJR512 Activelist: 83320323


"I don't know how I got here, I was only looking for the washroom."

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As you can see for the time being this is my first post on this forum. I've been registered on lots of board through time. But yours isn't quite the friendliest around. You people are flamin' at each other like hell. You (meaning rickkinz)should be VERY happy that there are still people out there helping you out. And you should be happy that you are part of a group of people that uses soft months before it get's public. Now instead of flaming you should be very thankfull... especially since it is a very dumb question to start the discussion.

If you would know anything a all about PC's you should know that those things are simply not possible...



For I am the knight that's returned to say NI once again..."Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc"


[This message has been edited by sCHuTt (edited 30 January 2001).]

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Welcome to the board sCHuTt.


Are we a friendly board now?


You want to see un-friendly? Go ask that kind of question at [H].


On second thought, don't. They would castrate me for sending you there.



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you guys do realize that you responded to a post I made weeks ago? Long before all of us seniors had a talk about respect.

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you post brainsoft, where very nice! But in the end you failed as you wrote:


"Are your eyes brown, or are you just full of sh!t?"


Be an excample, not an educator. Monkeys follow, they dont think twice about things (reflect about things, philosophate gettit?). Children, and many adults, are just like that, monkeys that follow other people.


Every wonder how a nice boy can get corrupted and become a gang member and get a habit of stealing and pushing drugs? He meets other older boys, and do what they do. They follow (or aper, as we say it in norwegian, just like ape, gettit?) the "tradition" of the older gang members.


That's why it goes on and on and never stops. Until someone wakes them up, the parents, that is...


Im sure jdulmage is a very nice fella, and may for all I know be better than all of us in many, many things. he might even be superman for all I know laugh but the point is, be a nice excample for him and dont trash him back just because he has an (probably unconsious) habit of getting tired of newbie posts or posts he thinks stupid.


Wake him up, ok, but do it with a excellent example (good attitude, very polite and nice) and he'll learn.


Everybody is like this. They need to wake up from LOTS of things, lets take an excample for the rest of you guys, ever heard this phrase:



Quotes are silly **** .

All you ever need to know is this earth has given you life

-take care of it in return.


Woke you up huh, where have you heard that before and if you look around youself, can you find anything that would teach you just that? TV commercials, films, books, parents, anyone?

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Isn't the whole point of this forum is to get technical help? rickkinz question was a valid one, he needed help with something he didn't have the answer to. Remember, we were all newbiez once too.

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