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Windows Whistler to be Windows XP.

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Pretty cool name, better that Windows ME!!

Me!!! its for ME!!! it's all about ME!!! See what i mean, Me is a gay name, XP has some potential.

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I like the frist name Windows.NET better but oh well Windows XP.

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how about renaming windows XP to something better. I don't like it. WINDOWS.NET sounded better.


Well, at least, it won't be named windows 2001.

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They should just name it Windows NT 5.1 or somesuch for the Pro,Server,AS. Keep it Windows LUVULONGTIME for Home users. laugh

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How much longer after XP is relased will it be until Microsoft releases another new OS?

I feel sorry for all those companies who upgraded to Windows 2000 only to find out that a new, "better" OS is only a couple months away.


Why did they even release Win2k?? Better yet, why did they even release WinME???


XP would be a much more incredible and significant release if they had just been patient.... at least I think so.. i dunno, I'm just a guy here in Pennsylvania.

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WinME was released to make Money.


Where from in PA Sandovol? I'm here in WV.


[This message has been edited by EddiE314 (edited 05 February 2001).]

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first of all, there are two ways to interpret "XP" and this'll make the name have more sense


1) XP = eXPerienced (that's Microsoft rumored gimmick for it)


2) XP = Cross Platform, where X means Cross. and the whole Whistler/.NET idea is based on cross platforming as well as others.


Take it for what it is, but really, you can't judge a book by it's cover (or in this case, it's title). It's only a title. They made Win2k, because they wanted a stable NT beyond NT4's capabilities, they got that. Now to use it to help out the other 90 % of the home users that use 9x. The next OS (blackcomb supposedly) will not be around for a while, like, 2004/2005 is my guess for final date.


[This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 05 February 2001).]

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Windows EX is gay frown

Whistler or Windows.net is definately better.


About WinMe. WinMe was released for OEM machines generally, and was not meant for users to upgrade from win98 to Me.

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EX??? we aren't even talking about EX, get a life.


1) It's XP (Cross Platform). It fits perfectly. It also means "eXPerienced". But that's a gimmick they are using.


2) Whistler is the name of a ski resort, so them using it is unlikely in the final


3) Windows.NET?? This really isn't a .NET application according to MS.


Face it, it's the future, they thought up of a real name, without using gay dates, good for them. It's just a title, it's not like it's gonna make or break things.


[This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 05 February 2001).]

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I was wondering why the hell one would think that 'XP' refers to 'cross platform'? Is this WinDistro gonna run on a Dreamcast? Or even a set-top box maybe? I haven't heard any reports even hinting at such.


Link a brotha up!



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"Microsoft" and "Cross Platform" go together like a grill cheese sandwitch and mustard. So yeah, I do find it hard to believe that XP would mean "cross platform".


Whatever it's called, it doesn't matter. As long as it kicks *** like I hope it's going to, they could call it "We're Gonna **** You All" and I'd still use it.


Oh yeah, the official beta 2 should be out "real soon now".

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Well, the kernel itself is cross platform. It will be used in various devices. A new MacOS could conceiveably be made from it. Heck, it will probably run your new car eventually. So, to some extent cross-platform is correct. But the OS itself isn't.


I figure this will be just like "NT". Microsoft swore up and down that it didn't mean "New Technology" when it was first released. Now they say it means..."New Technology". Go figure. It was speculated that it may have meant "INTel".


I think the guys in marketing are just screwing with everyone.

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Speaking of MacOS...isn't OS X (XFL, XML, XP, X windows...X,X, X...sheesh) supposed to be out soon? Wouldn't that be funny if MS came out with XP before OSX...even though the latter has been in development for years? That would be interesting.

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XP isn't gay at all, i admit, Windows.NET sounds nice too, but XP (in my book) kicks a.ss. Would you rather them call it Windows 2001? That sounds even more gay.

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Well, first, why are we all arguing over a name? Let's look at some things


Famicom = Family Computer. Makes sense, it kinda was.


Linux = Linus + Unix. Makes even more sense


XP = eXPerienced, Cross Platform (kernels, not OS's or consoles), XML Protocol, hell, it could mean all of those. MS is using eXPerienced I guess. and that makes sense


now look at Mandrake or Slackware, or Dreamcast.


Mandrake = a plant that when you pull it up from it's roots, it'll scream, not like you or I do, it's more of an air thing I think.


Slackware = sounds like software that was done and slacked off on


Dreamcast= so I can broadcast dreams with this thing or something?


the tables can be turned both ways here

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Its not experienced, but experience.

Its supposed to be "the Windows experience"

you don't have to be experienced to use it smile hehe actually you can be quite stupid to use it.

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whatever, Eddie is right anyways, last time i post to this thread, it's starting to become lame


[This message has been edited by jdulmage (edited 07 February 2001).]

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The naming of Windows NT was that the guy who wrote most of the underlying stuff also wrote VMS, hence WNT - the next letter on in the alphabet.



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That's a nice theory on the Windows NT naming, but it doesn't hold water since NT's first name was OS/2 NT, so it'd be ONT.

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