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Windows Whistler to be Windows XP.

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So who cares bout the name,as long as the os works good and the name sounds good,thats good enough

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Windows XP could stand for:


- experiance needed to get it to work


- expensive


- experiment


- extremely pissy


Uh, I'm out of names for now smile

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XP would not stand for "cross platform" simply because Microsoft got away from that for money reasons (they felt that there was more money to be made by using only Intel chips).


Anyways, Windows NT 4 was truly cross platform (Alpha, Intel, and Macintosh support), but Windows 2000 uses the x86 architecture only. XP will be able to use the 64 bit Intel chips (x86) when they come out.. in who knows how long. To my knowledge, Microsoft will be staying with Intel, and will not go back to "cross platform", therefore XP does not mean "cross platform". That was a rumor started somewhere. Go to microsoft.com and you'll find it's called the "Windows Experience", just as nearly everybody on this thread pointed out anyway, so i'm just repeating.






[This message has been edited by Sandoval (edited 13 March 2001).]

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Oh and by the way, Windows "ME" was never originally meant to be for "Me" yay, it's for "ME"... It was actually named Windows "Millenium Edition". And some wierdo along the line thought that "ME" was better than "Millenium Edition". Either way, the OS stinks compared to NT based systems... but still, Millenium Edition is a lot nicer than "ME", and they shoulda stuck with it.


Eh, it was a flop anyways... just meant to hold onto their 9x home user base until XP comes out. My goodness, when all those home users put XP on their computers, this forum is really gonna get fun!


[This message has been edited by Sandoval (edited 13 March 2001).]

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Too bad the first letter is an "X". If it was a more normal letter I'm sure we could come up with some really great names for it!


"Exterminate Penguins" is pretty darn funny though! ROFLMAO!! smile

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