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Late-2015 Dell XPS 13 Review: Refreshed With Skylake

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Dell recently refreshed its popular XPS 13 with new hardware to bring it up to date with current CPU and storage offerings. The updated model now sports a Skylake-based Intel processor and a Samsung PM951 NVMe solid state drive, plus a few minor tweaks to its already impressive design. When the current iteration of the Dell XPS 13 debuted back in January of last year, it was nearly unrivaled in terms of its power to size ratio, and overall value in the space. The ultrabook market has heated-up a lot since then though, and the XPS 13 has some stiff competition at the moment...


Late-2015 Dell XPS 13 Review: Refreshed With Skylake (http://hothardware.us3.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=efc4c507c2cf964fc2462caca&id=511e9e6563&e=0c004f9c13)


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