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Gambler FEX online

win2k soundcard situation - what do you do?

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There are NO 100% working sound cards for win2k. This is slight conserning because WindowsXP which is supposed to replace the 9x codebase is not far from release. An OS is nothing without hardware support (read: DRIVERS) so hardware manufactorers better shape up quickly.


For those who doesn't know it yet, Win2k is the bridge to get consumers to the stable NT codebase, so there is no excuse not to have 100% perfectly running hardware on windows 2000! No, it is a plus, and shows support for the future. No-one said it was going to be easy but they have already had a year to get drivers done and today I am not impressed. Go demant future support from your hardware manufactorers, and let's make a nice and quick jump to NT.

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acutally the turtle beach santacruz works FLAWLESSLY in W2k and beyond unlike other sound cards (hack cough live! series)

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