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Microsoft's spec for your next PC


"The system does not allow end-user access to expansion bus cards. This means users will no longer routinely open their PCs to add peripherals."


And also read the comments from the people!! WTF is up with this??? I thought JD said we where all trippin' over nothing? "they'll never do this, or they'll never do that Mr. Official tester said" mad Why are they making such a kickass OS (so far), so LAME in some ways?????


[This message has been edited by Questionnaire (edited 07 April 2001).]

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you really listen to those ZDnet fags?


this is what ZDnet thinks, not what MS has officially decided..


""The system does not allow end-user access to expansion bus cards. This means users will no longer routinely open their PCs to add peripherals""




Also, the rumor about having to probably upgrade your system is half truth. If you have a crap little Pentium 1 or AMD K5 or some thing, why would you even want to goto XP with that crap? So you would have to upgrade, as for most of us here, we are fine with the system we have.


1 sentence


ZDnet rumors around too much, that's where they get their hits from.

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Man... I hope you're right... To many rumors flyin around the net... Why do they post false crap to get people all fired up then anyways? mad

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Unlike passing fads, like..say..."All your base", spreading crap about and flaming Microsoft seems to never get old.

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Well, if worst comes to worst, there will be for XP activation and crap. It seems that this speculation is the biggest issue of XP...even if Microsoft does goof up with it so this is a problem just get a . There's already one out for the Beta releases.

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ever actually talked to Jesse Burst from ZDnet, he is a rumor starting, bias remarking, little kid.

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