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setup error?

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hi there, i hope this is the right place for this problem,i have a big problem in januari i bought a new ibm hard-drive gxp 45gig before that i used a old quantum,so to the problem is i cant install w2k on it i workt fine on the quantum but not the ibm,the error code i get is 7 ?it comes up in the hardware configuration and then its just stoppes, a other fun thing is that we are three friends that use gxp:s and its just one off us that can use w2k,


my puter is, mobo via soyo 7vca,667cel,384meg cas2 ram,newest bios. hope any one can give me some help ,run out of ideas.:(

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Did you set the jumpers correctly?


Its possible you could have a bad drive, too. Have you tried installing a different OS on that IBM drive?

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If the jumpers were not setup correctly, the hard drive would not detect at start-up. smile


May want to change IDE cables (i assume its IDE b/c u didnt mention scsi) but i dont think it would give you that specific error everytime.


I would suggest as Brain Frank did....install any other OS to the hard drive and check it from there. If it does not install...i would prolly take it back.


Also...your other friend that cant install win2k, does he have same setup as you? And your other friend that can, does he have the same setup? confused


I dont think this is a config problem, because the drive is detected. Try it out for errors.

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hi guys!


thanx for the answeres and your help,to begin whit Brian Franks question ,when i cuoldnt install w2k i have use´t win98 it runs fine,i´m checkt the jumpers they are right,


so to crazykillermans question, my friends configuration is abit-be62, p866, 256 cas2 ram ,he also use win98 whitout problems,hes jumpers i dont now, he has dma66 ide cabel,i have dma33 cabel,i have tryid to do an uppgrade from w98 with no succes ,i gonna try another ide-cabel to se what happens tnx for so long,

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have seen it again frown ,have now a ata66 cabel,and still getting the same probs+that i gote my father in laws comp p2 350,128 ram ati rage2,fujutsi hard-drive 8 gigs-ata33,default speed on cpu,and i getting this damn error code in setup there 2,it whent fine on win98,wonder also if win2k they sell now a days have sp1 integrathed when you buy it or is´t the same version as it was in november.

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