news 28 Posted July 25, 2016 View this email in your browser ( At this point we've reviewed quite a few high-end AC routers, including tri-band routers, flagship dual-band models, and even the latest MU-MIMO devices too. However, the one portion of the market we haven't covered much is the one that exists on the more affordable end of the pricing spectrum. We all know there are quantifiable differences between a $100 and a $300 GPU, but is that also true for 802.11ac routers as well? After all, they're all branded as AC routers, and have similar features and specifications. This time around, we'll be taking a look at the $75 Tenda AC15 AC1900 router. Tenda is a lesser known brand in the US, but its AC router looks the part and is less than half the price of the other dual band AC routers we've tested so far... T ( enda AC15 AC1900 802.11ac Router Review: Affordable AC WiFi Performance ( Best Regards, ============================================================ Share this post Link to post