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Oh my God, they killed Napster - you bastards

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Works fine for me:


C:\>ping www.napster.com


Pinging www-kyle.napster.com [] with 32 bytes of data:


Reply from bytes=32 time=100ms TTL=110

Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=110

Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=110

Reply from bytes=32 time=90ms TTL=110


Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 90ms, Maximum = 100ms, Average = 92ms


Try using the usenet instead of Napster. Lots more music available here with no extra BS. Won't be closed down in our lifetimes, either.

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aww man i was about to do a jig and the happy dance because that retarded program is finally dead.

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i dont like napster because half the music i get off it is from people that just want people to leech their files and dont bother naming the files right (i listen to Techno music and i listen to mostly live sets) so i waste my time downloading a file that isnt even right. The thing i like about napster is that it is a scapegoat for RIAA so the people that use IRC don't have to worry about RIAA trying to shut our chans down. Dont get me wrong im not against file sharing i just dont like napster because i find it to be too dumbed down and buggy. So ive used and will continue to use IRC. But if you like napster i suggest winMX much like napster but it has resume and will connect to Npaster plus other networks at the same time allowing you to search more networks.

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Ive used it once and snagged a few items, but you're right, there are too many morons that dont have the mental capacity to label the songs right. That or the searching is screwy.

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I use Limewire. Napster is ok, the people that use it are the same people that are on the net. You can't blame the program for hosting a bunch of 13 year olds from California.


Good program > Crap users.


Limewire uses the excellent Gnutella network. Because all connections are direct, there is no risk of the network or 'virtual hub' being closed. Direct Connect is a wonderful program for other files.


Off topic, what is the attraction of techno? Repetitive beats, monotonous sounds. What the hell is the point? I mean do you take drugs, I can only imagine enjoying such garbage while being under the influence of a drug of some kind. No lyrics, no meaning. Are you a drone? laugh




Fuk I hate how this new forum software adds your sig and email notification by default! mad

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If you think all techno is just mindless beats with no lyrics and repeatative crap then you havent listened to good Trance/Jungle/House/ect... most of the most popular DJs in the world spin music with a lot of lyrics and a lot of ambience with great highs and lows. Most american Techno is nothing but pure crap. If the attraction of Dance music wasnt there then most of Europe would not listen to it. From the UK to Germany to Denmark they have HUGE festivals drawing over thousands of people devoted to dance music. Look at it this way if all I listened to for rock was oh say i dont know some god awful band or 2 and I was just like rock music sucks, its nothing but off key vocalists and drummers that can't keep a beat mixed with a guitars and bass lines that can't keep a harmonic rhythm then wouldnt you say that is biast if i only listened to a small fraction of the music out there and judged by that?? So before you go saying that "techno" music sucks be familiar with the whole scope of the genra before ***|u|m(e)ing things. In the end you are entitled to your own opinion anyway.

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Although I'm not a great Techno / Dane fan,

I've gotta admit that some of the stuff I've heard from Gatecrahser isn't bad.


Bonkers are pretty cool too!!

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Yeah Gatecrasher always puts out some great mixes. Another good series is the Trance Nation series by Ministry Of Sound, or DJ Tiesto's Magik series is another good one. The of course you can start getting into live DJs and thats a different story...

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You have a point Thc.


All I can say is, I don't like what I've heard. Yet, In the scheme of things I have not heard all that much.

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