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NVIDIA TITAN X Review: The Pascal Beast Unleashed

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NVIDIA dropped a bomb a couple of weeks back and shocked almost everyone in the enthusiast community with the surprise announcement of the new, Pascal-based TITAN X. If you missed our original coverage, the story went something like this: NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang lost a bet, and out of the blue went and gave away a few TITAN X cards at a special AI event that was taking place at Stanford University. That may sound a little far-fetched, but the way this launch shook out, it seems somewhat plausible.


Regardless, as soon as the announcement was posted, we’re sure many of you had two questions in mind – how fast is it? And what’s the deal with the GP102? Thankfully, we can answer both of those questions and more for you today...


NVIDIA TITAN X Review: The Pascal Beast Unleashed (http://hothardware.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=efc4c507c2cf964fc2462caca&id=16116e0c08&e=0c004f9c13)



Best Regards,









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