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For all you gamers out there, I'm trying to get a feel for what everyone thinks about gaming in Win2k. I got my hands on a copy and am wondering if I should install it at all, after hearing about compatibility problems.


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Only way you're going to find out, is to do it yourself. What have you got to lose? Just make sure you get the service pack, compatability updates, and of course, the latest patches for any apps/games you wanna use. BIOS updates are also highly recommended if they are available. Then take the plunge


You may wanna post your system stats here so we can advise on any forseable hardware issues, if any.

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my system stats:


Abit KT7 (non RAID) (latest BIOS version)

AMD Athlon TB 800

256 MB PC-133 RAM

Asus V7100 (driver 6.31)

Viewsonic PF775 17" mon.

Sound Blaster Live!

Acer AON-325 NIC


Generic 50x cd rom

Quantum Fireball 20MB 7200RPM

Current O/S: win98se


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You shouldnt have a problem with that at all. I believe that Creative has drivers and Live!ware that actually has no problems installing, so that being the only foreseeable problem no longer exists.


Also, dont freak out when you see that your system is running a ton of devices on a single IRQ, everything should run fine. Besides, what have you got to lose, other than your sanity;) . Definitely get Service Pack 1 and the Via 4 in 1 drivers.

I tend to use the latest beta drivers and the 10.80s work very well, so do the 11.01s and the 12.00s.


Oh, yeah, this is a very important patch so make sure you get it.



It will keep games from crashing on you with an Athlon/Duron cpu. Its one of the most important things you need to get, other than the Service Pack.


Good hunting

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