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IDE RAID - So how would YOU configure?

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At last I am coming to the end of my current upgrades.

Within the next week I'm going to be very happy with my system as it stands.

The final decision needs to be made, how to configure my IDE RAID.

I have 4x IBM DTLA-307045 45GB ATA-100, 7200rpm HD's.

I also have a lovely PCI Promise RAID controller.

Currently I only have 3 of the HD's installed, C Drive is a single HD, D is 2x IBM drives in RAID 0.

I was seriously considering RAID 0+1, total redundency, but of course I basically loose 2 HD's worth of capacity.

So this is just a general question.

If you had 4 drives as above and was going to go for RAID would you go for the redundency of RAID 0+1.

RAID 0 all 4 drives into one massive array, but any one disk failing means all your data is gone or

2x RAID 0 arrays of 2 disks each.

I look forward to reading your replies!!

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Well...RAID 0 is primarily aimed at improving performance, not reliability.

RAID 1 Mirrors and Duplex's...this effectivly writes the data to both hard drives. If the data cannot be read from or written to one drive, the other is used.


RAID lvl 10 is the combo of RAID 0 and RAID 1. Basiclly RAID 10 is for performance AND reliability.


Personally i would go with RAID 0 because Hard drives today are pretty well made. Going with RAID 0 will increase both read and write speed. Two sets of RAID 0 would be sweet!!! One for OS and applications, and another for storage/games ... just think of the transfer speed between the two!!!

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and if your that worried about data storage im sure you have a old HD you can throw on the non-raided IDE channel to but data on that you absolutely cant get another copy of, or burn it.


And congrats on getting the last component in your new system, now your ready to start looking at bigger and better stuff in a month or 2. I still need the drives and monitor and then im finished, i might upgrade my vid card somewhere in there too.

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Well, unless you have more than 90GB of data, I'd go with 0+1. I'm 'upgrading' to a 20GB 75GXP, b/c I have come close to filling my Quantum 10GB once or twice [a quick brun session fixed that].


You got the space, get reliability and performance.



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