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3ds max 4 + win2k server = install failure

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Has anyone else experienced a 3ds max 4 installation failure running Win2K Server w/ SP1? It used to work great on Win2K Pro w/ and w/o SP1.

The installation procedure (using Microsoft Installer) works great until it's about to "publish the application" (the last step) where it somehow determines something's wrong (no prompt) and rolls back the installation process, then returning a


Fatal Error: Installation ended prematurely due to an error.


message. The msi log doesn't say anything useful as to what might cause this.


Any clues?

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I have had this problem before. You have to log in as Administrator. NOT login as someone else with Admin control on that particular machine. I don't know why it does this, but this solved the problem for me.

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Yep, either that or you run the install from add/remove programs -> Add new programs.


It's a feature of Win2k Server to stop random miscellaneous dll files being added to your system32 directory.




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Thanks for the tips, however, that didn't help a bit :\

I'm logged in as Administrator (I always am), and I tried the Add/Remove New Programs thing...to no avail. This sucks.


Any other ideas anyone?

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Please post system specs. Might be some problems in there.


Get into contact with Discreet. I am sure that they would be more than happy to help walk you through any problems that you may be having. Their customer support is really good. Either that or I would go to the discreet 3D Studio Max forum. They have a special section dedicated to installation problems.

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Abit BP6

2x Celeron 400@510MHz

256 MB PC100 SDRAM

IBM Deskstar 75GXP 30 GB, 7200 rpm/2 MB

IBM Deskstar 15something 15 GB, 5400 rpm/2 MB

Diamond Monster Sound MX300

D-Link 8139 10/100 NIC

3dfx Voodoo3 2000@170MHz


Mitsumi 8402TE CD-RW


Win2K Server + SP1 (no additional hotfixes)



(Yeah yeah, I know, not much to boast about :\)


Anyhow, I don't really think it's a hardware problem as I had no problems whatsoever with MAX whilst running Win2K Pro...


Ah, the support forum...will ask around there as well...thanks.

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