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internet suddenly slow?

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ok, i'm pretty confused about this ... i reinstalled Win2k the other day, and my internet has always been pretty fast, I'm on a T3 that my school provides in this apartment complex. i usually download anywhere up to 1.2 megabytes per second (mb/s). well it gets that fast after i install a patch from www.speedguide.net ... they make it for 9x/nt/2k ... and damn it works great smile but back to the point. for some reason, my internet is slow as molasses this time around ... i installed the patch over and over, but nothing i try works to speed it up ... sites that i download at least 800 - 900 kb/s off of only go about 40 kb/s now ... in fact, nothing goes very fast compared to how it used to. i know its something in my registry and not my campus network cause all my friends are fine. i'm starting to get pissed at this ... i would like to fix it, but i don't really know where to start. does anyone know what to look for in the registry that would cause slow transfer speeds? i know this has to be fixable, somebody please help me out!


Pentium III 800mhz

256mb PC100 SDRAM

ASUS V7700 Deluxe Geforce 2 GTS 32mb DDR

Soundblaster Live!

10/100 NIC

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Did you try SP1? I am fairly sure that wont do it, but reapplying your reg fix afterward may help you out.

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yeah i do have SP-1 ... i guess i forgot to mention that i'm running Windows 2000 SP-1 with all the appropriate patches installed from windows update. i've tried to reapply that patch many times, i ever checked the registry entries myself and made sure they were getting put in there correctly, everything was right, but its still creeping along confused

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i had this problem when i was living in the dorms a while back using 2k. Im not sure why it does this but the only solution i was able to find was a re-install of the OS.

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damn, i was afraid of that smile oh well, i think i can deal with it for now since this summer i'm gonna be back on friggin' dialup again. i'll wait until there are some good reasons to reinstall, such as IE6 Final and SP2 ... some new and improved Detonator drivers for the GeForce ... it'll all be good. i still think there has got to be a way to fix this, why the hell would it just "not be fast" ?

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