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Remote Desktop/Terminal Services

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I'm running Build 2465 of XP Pro, and I've looked everywhere (I think) for someone who's had a similar problem.... Here's the thing... I'm trying to use Remote Desktop, which, as a Win2K server user, I'm pretty familiar with (different name, some program, basically).... In any case, I try to log on from another computer and it gives me this error message:


"You do not have the proper encyrption level to access this"


Now, mind you, I can still access all the Windows 2000 Server boxes around me fine, even when I set the encryption to the highest level on those machines...


I haven't been able to find a setting in WindowsXP to adjust this, and wanted to see if there was an answer before I reported it as a bug.


Anyone got any ideas on this one?


Oh, and this is a clean-install too....




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same problem here. Probably just a component that isnt finished yet, im finding a lot of flaws in the current user management code in XP.

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Yeah, I noticed that others have had the same problem, so I sent off a report to MS about it.... I'm sure they know already, but figured I should.... I even tried turning off encryption for RDP-TCP entirely in the registry, but that still didn't work, so I guess it'll have to wait till the next build....

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yeah it pisses me off though and im sure it does you too. I needed TS to get files off my computer at work that wouldnt fit on a floppy so i wanted to use TS but now i can't GRRRR damn MS.

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Among the first few things I will do on a final installation of XP is to disbale and throw it out of scene for as long as I could. What this is up to, makes its tiny benefit far outshadowed by too many potentially fatal threats.

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I am running 2462 and Remote Desktop works fine for me anyway. Even if your familiar with Terminal Server, remote desktop is a little different in XP and I believe you will have to install the XP version client software if you’re trying to connect with another OS like W2K or 98 I am using several machines all running XP.


With W2K terminal services you could login remotely using the same account that might be logged in on the machine locally i.e. if you were logged in locally as say administrator you could also login remotely as administrator and would if I remember correctly, have a different desktop and profile for the remote login. With XP at least for now anyway with beta 2 if your logged on locally as administrator

and you try to login remotely the currant user gets logged off. When you do login as say administrator, you get the same profile as if you were logged on locally also your not limited to desktop resolution of 256.


All I did to get RDC working for me anyway was to go to ControlPanel\System\Remote Tab\ and checked “allow remote assistance” and “allow users to connect remotely” then clicked on the Select Remote Users Buttom\Add\Advanced\Find now\ and then added the appropriate users. When using RDC I use the IP address instead of the computer name. I tried using the computer name and got error messages changed to the IP address and instant connection.


If your problem is 2465 specific then just ignore this post.

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Thanks for the reply.... the problem is 2465 specific.... I suspect that it'll be corrected in the next build. I had no problems with it in the previous build either.

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