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Homeworld command line options

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I know there is a command line option to skip the Sierra and Relic intro. movies, but I can't find the bl**dy thing!


Can someone jolt my memory?

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-Go to your Windows menu (as described above).

-Select Run.

-In the Run box, enter the program's executable file, including what folder

it's in on your hard drive, followed by a command line parameter.


For example, if you have Homeworld installed on your C: drive as C:\Homeworld,

enter the following in the Run box:


C:\Homeworld\homeworld.exe /parameter



Code: Effect:

/debug Enable debug mode

/noBG Disable galaxy backgrounds

/noCompPlayer Disable default CPU players

/notactics Disable tactics

/noretreat Disables retreat tactics

/disableAVI Disable FMV sequences

/nodebugInt Disable int 3 after fatal error

/heap Set global memory heap

/prepath Set path to search for opening files

/CDpath Set path to CD-ROM

/freemouse Press F11 to toggle free mouse movement on/off

/ignoreBigfiles Don’t use anything from big files

/logFileLoads Create log of data files loaded

/disableKatmai Don’t use KNI even if support is detected

/forceKatmai Use KNI even if not available

/noSound Sound effects off

/noSpeech All speech off

/reverseStereo Swap left and right audio channels

/waveout Mixer writes to waveout

/dsound Mixer writes to DirectSound driver

/nofilter Bilinear filtering of textures off

/nosmooth Polygonal smoothing off

/nilTexture Textures off

/noFETextures Front-end textures off

/stipple Stipple alpha software renderer on

/noShowDamage Ship damage effects off

/sw Reset rendering system to default configuration at startup

/fullscreen Full-screen display with software renderer

/window Display in a window

/noBorder No border on window

/640 640x480 display

/800 800x600 display

/1024 1024x768 display

/1280 1280x1024 display

/1600 1600x1200 display

/d16 16-bit colors

/d24 24-bit colors

/d32 32-bit colors

/truecolor Try 24-bit video modes before 15/16 bit

/slowBlits Use slow screen blits

/device Select rGL device by name (sw, fx, d3d)

/gl Select default OpenGL

/d3d Select D3D

/nohint OpenGL perspective hints off

/noPause Alt+Tab pause off

/noMinimize Alt+Tab minimize off

/dockLines Show dock lines

/gunLines Show gun lines

/lightLines Show light lines in debug mode

/boxes Render bounding bowties on ships

/textFeedback Text feedback in game commands on

/aiplayerLog AI player logging on

/determCompPlayer CPU players deterministic

/gatherstats Stat gathering on

/captaincyLogOff Captaincy log file off

/captaincyLogOn Captaincy log file on

/logOff Network logging file off

/logOn Network logging file on

/logOnVerbose Verbose network logging file on

/statLogOn Generate game stats log file

/intOnSync Generate Int 3 when a sync error occurs

/debugSync Frequent autosaves, packets recorded

/forceLAN LAN play enabled (regardless of version)

/testNIS NIS testing mode using [nisFile] enabled

/testNISScript NIS testing mode using [scriptFile] enabled

/demorecord Record demo

/demoplay Play a demo

/packetRecord Record packets in a multiplayer game

/packetPlay Play back packet recording

/disablePacking Packed textures off

/smCentreCamera SM world plane at 0,0,0 instead of the camera

/closeCaptioned Closed captioning

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>> /disableAVI Disable FMV sequences


I now have Homeworld running on an IBM ThinkPad 770X with a Voodoo3 2000 PCI card in the Docking Station.


And... it... is... slow...

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