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I don't know if many of you know this, but BMW of North America is making short movies featuring their cars. I saw one commercial briefly about it, and I thought I would check it out. The movie pretty much kicks a$$, and is worth watching. Then again, I am a typical male who likes movies with car chases, explosions, and hot women. However, even only catering to 2 of the 3 seems to work well for the clip "Ambush". Check it:



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The movies were nice, but the crashing of my computer after they finished was very uncool.


Everytime I finished a movie, my machine would lock-up, forcing my to hit the reset button.


BMW can eat me [or send me a car, in attonement for their program's crimes].



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What format were you using? I have used all 3 and haven't had any issues. I haven't used the "BMW Enhanced Player" though.

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I was using the Enhanced Player.


I don't know what caused it, probably just another program running in the background, but it made me very mad having to hard reset my computer 3 times that night.



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