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help, system restoration with new hardware delema

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Hi...I've been trying to solve this problem for the last 12 hours and no luck...perhaps someone here can help me:


I have system that has been growing for a long time. So much so that my SCSI boot drive is getting full. So I have a ATA-RAID-0 array on the side that I would like to use as a boot instead. I backed up my SCSI drive using the backup prog that comes with win2k, installed the RAID array, installed fresh win2k on it, then tried to restore the old data. I am guessing that it tries to restore alot of hardware specific points as when the restore is finished, the system will boot to the desktop where it will hang. What should I do? It seems to me that my only alternative is to either buy a larger SCSI drive, or to use the RAID array fresh. Is there a way that I can restore everything to the RAID array intelligently...ie instead of things that point to "SCSI HD0" can it just point to "HD0" or something of the sort...And if newer SCSI is my only choice, if I upgrade my SCSI to ultra160 (from ultra wide, will I be seing the same problems?


Thank you very much

Looking forward to your responses



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Looks like another oXidious question that goes unanswered

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If you're trying to restore your Winnt directory and registry, then you will run into major problems.


You'll probably find your best bet is to put a fresh Win2k installation on the RAID disks, and just restore your data. Reinstall all your apps from scratch.


I know it's a pain and it'll probably take days to get the machine to look and behave like it did with the old SCSI disk, but it is the easier route in the long run.

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