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Really getting sick of waiting for SP2

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I'm tired of waiting for these damn fixes for my O/S and for my motherboard and for everything else that never seems to materialize. Can someone please tell me when the fvck SP2 is going to come out? Or even if someone could tell me where I can download RC 2.52. This is the latest version of the SP2 right?

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try www.m3dzone.com they MIGHT really really MIGHT highly probable they could have it. Of course since w*rez isnt allowed on here i wouldnt be able to tell you where to get it (m3dzone.com)

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What is it specifically you are waiting for from SP2?

All of the major securit fixes and bug fixes can simply be downloaded.

Is this just a sake of wanting a patch becauce it's going to be available soon?

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There are some DDNS issues that will be resolved with the SP, and unless you are willing to pay for them via MS Support Calls they are unavailable for download.


I too, am tired of waiting for a SP from MS on this. I am getting the impression that they are going for a be-all-end-all approach on it so they can focus soley on WinXP/Windows 2002. What a shame.

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I know alot of the fixes are available as hot fixes, but you have to keep reinstalling them to get them to work right and I'm not sure they really work that well anyways. The supposed final versions of all the fixes will be in the SP2 such as the chipset ID patches, and a million other things. And I'm hoping SP2 will fix a couple other problems.

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I know exactly how you feel. Rumor was that it was going to be out in early March. I finally got so sick of waiting for it I downloaded RC 2.52 from m3dzone.

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